About two years ago, I switched hosting providers with the goal to have everything back up and running within in a month. Then, COVID-19 came and my personal blog site fell to the wayside.
Exactly two years to the day of everything starting to shutdown and hurrying home from the annual MACUL Conference with 4,000 of my closest peers a day early due the remainder of the conference being cancelled, I am now happy to have my space back online.
Everything prior to this post is lacking pictures and other items that I had worked to bring over, but they did not load properly. At this time, I am not going to be dedicating time to bring those back, but have a plan to avoid the loss of images in the future if I switch hosts again.
What this site will be from here on is about me trending forward. The goal is to reflect on the past and put newer ideas out, and hopeful get a few suggestions along the way. You will also be able to see any presentations that I have done over the course of the last few years and any presentations I give moving forward. All in all, I hop you will join me on my new-ish journey!