PSEL (2015) – Ethics and Professional Norms – Balancing Act: My Role as an Instructional Coach
For me, defining a specific moment or event during my internship in which I focused on ethics and professional norms of an administrator. As I reflected, I found it increasingly difficult to find the event. Sure, I could have shared my thirty-minute training video at the beginning of the year on mandatory reporting of child…
PSEL (2015) – Operations and Management – Working on a Budget
While I have been fortunate to gain significant experience in a few categories during my internship experience, I have had to work extremely hard to gain experience in other areas. One area, operations and management, is difficult to get into as someone who is new the district as well. My mentor, who, as one of…
PSEL (2015) – Meaningful Family and Community Engagement – Family Code Night
Meaningful Engagement of Families and Communities is an essential piece of any school success to be had. Having a transparent and open environment with stakeholders is an important piece to build the relations that need to be in place for a school to be successful. This reaches much deeper than a traditional community outreach event,…
PSEL (2015) Reflection – Professional Capacity of School Personnel
Working in a Michigan public school is a tremendous honor and a tremendous responsibility. Each year, it seems more and more is being added to the plate of many Michigan educators. That is why, when I was tasked with developing professional development, I looked for ways that I could make it more fun and enjoyable.…
PSEL (2015) Reflection – Mission, Vision, and Core Values
Mission, Vision, and Core Values tend to serve as the foundation of most educational institutions. Much of what is done in schools tends to be focused on the mission, vision, and core values of the district. As a new employee to the district, I am able to gain much information from the mission, vision, and…
PSEL (2015) Reflection – Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
As an Instructional Technology Specialist, or coach, I have gathered a significant amount of hours in the Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment category. Throughout the course of this semester, I have been involved in many curriculum, instruction, and assessment activities, from days at conferences, informal observations of teachers, to PLC meetings, to individual one-on-ones with teachers.…
PSEL (2015) Reflection – Equity and Culturally Responsiveness
I want to start this post by fully recognizing my privilege. As a straight, white male in American society, I have a different experience than many of my students. In my schooling, I had little difficulty learning anything new presented to me. In all actuality, for the majority of my K-12 experience and even some…
Upcoming Series of Posts – Reflections on the Professional Standards of Educational Leaders (2015)
Throughout the course of the last two years, I have been slowly but surely working towards a masters in Educational Leadership at Michigan State University. This school year, I have been working a new job while simultaneously working on my educational administration internship. While the experience has been difficult at times, it has been very…