Wrapping Up Digital Citizenship Week

This post was originally commissioned for the Career Academy Blog for the Digital Citizenship Week celebration that we had. You can read the original post here

Closing Out Digital Citizenship, Continuing the Conversation

For the past five days, we have shared with our students and our school community some tips about social media. While these days are important, they are only the start of the conversation. The conversation must continue to discuss the importance and need for protecting ourselves online.

This week we talked about THINKing before we post and what it is to be SUPER. We provided ten tips for students before they post. We met as grade levels to discuss this and the impacts, while looking at examples of what we should not be doing. We have only started this conversation. While Digital Citizenship Week is an important step, we must be working towards being excellent stewards of our digital lives. This includes how we represent ourselves online. We must find a way to distinguish ourselves in a positive light in the digital world. If we can make ourselves stand out and not be a screenshot of a tweet, text message, Facebook post, or Instagram picture, we can open numerous doors for ourselves in this ever-evolving digital world.

So as this week concludes, I challenge you to become a better digital citizen. Think before you post. Be Super online! Distinguish yourself amongst your peers. Continue the conversation about what being a good digital citizen is and practice it.
