Category: Education

  • The Use of Data and Algorithms in Education

    Whoa! That title is likely a little misleading! This is a reflection on a podcast that I recently listened to that discussed how we use math, data, and algorithms to make decisions that are inequitable and further seclude people in our society. It also relates to a book that I am reading about Building Equity…

  • Summer Coding Camp – Trying to build interest in STEM Field and Classes

    This post is long overdue. We concluded the Coding Camp at the end of June. I have been busy planning and running a conference. More on that later. But now, here is my coding camp story. In February, a colleague and I hosted a family coding night for our school district and the families. The…

  • Offline Coding Challenge

    At the end of the school year, I was asked to help at an “Amazing Race” style challenge for our 4th and 5th-grade students. Specifically, I was asked to do something that was coding related in a 15 minute time window with two teams. My mind began to race as I explored and thought about…

  • The Four Cs and the Need for EdTech

    This post matches content that I wrote and posted for a conference that is happening this summer. You can see the original post on the Lake Michigan Tech Conference website here.  The world is rapidly evolving. Our economy is changing. We are preparing our students for jobs that do not yet exist. As educators, we…

  • PSEL (2015) Reflection – Professional Capacity of School Personnel

    Working in a Michigan public school is a tremendous honor and a tremendous responsibility.  Each year, it seems more and more is being added to the plate of many Michigan educators. That is why, when I was tasked with developing professional development, I looked for ways that I could make it more fun and enjoyable.…

  • PSEL (2015) Reflection – Equity and Culturally Responsiveness

    I want to start this post by fully recognizing my privilege. As a straight, white male in American society, I have a different experience than many of my students. In my schooling, I had little difficulty learning anything new presented to me. In all actuality, for the majority of my K-12 experience and even some…

  • Upcoming Series of Posts – Reflections on the Professional Standards of Educational Leaders (2015)

    Throughout the course of the last two years, I have been slowly but surely working towards a masters in Educational Leadership at Michigan State University. This school year, I have been working a new job while simultaneously working on my educational administration internship. While the experience has been difficult at times, it has been very…

  • My Tips for Technology Integration – Leave the Giant Steps to the Astronauts

    Technology integration can be frustrating. It is difficult to change the way that people have done things for years. The introduction of a shiny device will not bring everyone onboard with your vision as an Edtech Coach. Besides focusing on basics like relationship and time, it is essential that you also keep these three things…

  • Reflection on Professional Learning – Design in Five Workshop

    Two days last week, I had the opportunity to go to the county regional education service agency to partake in some professional development based on assessment. My role was to seek ways to bring this back to our staff, most likely in a summer institute. The two days were riveting, as the ideas around assessment…

  • My First, Humble Attempt at a Hyperdoc

    Hyperdocs are gaining some popularity in education circles. It is my understanding that a group of teachers in California popularized the Hyperdoc in their classrooms and through the use of social media, it has spread. I have looked at many examples, but never seen one in practice in a K-12 room. When a teacher approached…